






 今回のテーマは、“Linking Actions, Research and Education in Agriculture Value Chains to Achieve Environmental, Social and Economic Sustainabilities”(持続的な環境、社会、経済の実現のため、農業バリューチェーンにおける学生活動、研究、教育の連携)で、各国との時差や現地インターネット事情を考慮し、各校代表学生のプレゼンテーションはオンデマンドで事前配信、グループ別のディスカッションを日本時間朝・夕の2時間帯に分けリアルタイムで実施する予定です。

 各代表学生のプレゼンテーション視聴は9月上旬から可能となり、世界学生サミット本番(9月14日(火):東京農業大学創立130周年記念シンポジウム~Tokyo NODAI into a New Era with the collaboration with partner universities ~(仮題)、9月15日(水)及び16日(木):グループ別ディスカッション)はオンラインで一般公開する予定です。



Tokyo NODAI will host the 20th International Students Summit on Food, Agriculture and Environment (ISS) online.

 Annually since the first ISS in 2021, the participating students from all over the world would gather at Tokyo NODAI or our global partner universities. Due to the pandemic, we were not able to host it in 2020. We are now glad to announce that it will be held fully online in 2021. 58 students representing 27 universities from 25 countries and regions around the world will engage in heated discussions online.

 This year’s ISS theme is “Linking Actions, Research and Education in Agriculture Value Chains to Achieve Environmental, Social and Economic Sustainabilities.” In consideration of time difference among the countries and the local internet situations, the presentations by the students will be broadcasted in advance on demand, while group discussions will be held live in the morning and early evening (Japan time).

 The presentation videos will be available in the beginning of September, and the entire program of the ISS (the 130th anniversary commemorative symposium ~Tokyo NODAI into a New Era with the Collaboration with Partner Universities ~ on Tuesday, September 14, and the group discussion sessions on Wednesday and Thursday, September 15 and 16) will be open to the public.

 The information will be posted on the website in August, and we are looking forward many of your participation!

 Please visit the ISS portal site for more information: https://www.isstokyonodai.net/

