Tokyo University Of Agriculture


Opportunities to Study at Tokyo NODAI

Visiting (Exchange) Students

Tokyo University of Agriculture has more than 45 partner universities worldwide and receives overseas students based on the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU).

Partner universities

We offer a visiting (exchange) students program in which international students with high academic motivation can take specialized courses in English and belong to a laboratory at any department for a period of one (1) or two (2) semesters (one year) to gain practical experience.

The program fees are waived only if the home institution of visiting (exchange) graduate & undergraduate students has a reciprocal tuition waiver agreement for Tokyo NODAI students. Visiting (exchange) students will be responsible for their flight ticket to Japan, accommodation and living expenses in Japan.

Students from non-partner universities can be accepted under certain conditions. For more details, please refer to the “Application Guidelines” (PDF) below.

Information Sheet for Visiting Student 2025

●For inquiries regarding visiting (exchange) students program, please contact: 
    グローバル連携センター Center for Global

Our special program conducted in English【Undergraduate level】

What is the special program conducted in English?

This program provides an opportunity for both Japanese and international undergraduate students at Tokyo NODAI, as well as visiting (exchange) undergraduate students from our global partner universities to learn about food, agriculture and environment in Japan and Asia.
Integrated learning of agriculture, food and environmental issues is expected to guide students into making a greater contribution in solving major problems faced by mankind in the 21st century.

What can be learned from this program?

● This is a program built upon an integrated approach to agriculture, food and environment, focusing mostly on Japan and Asia.
● Food problem generally refers to problems of food production, distribution and consumption.
● Food production is achieved through agriculture and food processing industry, thus closely related to natural environment, and agricultural and food processing technologies.
● Distribution of food is determined by political and economic mechanisms, but improved storage and distribution technologies have been widening the scope of marketing.
● Food consumption reflects not only the level of income, but also the culture and customs related to food.
● The increased food production in relation to population growth in recent decades has been a significant achievement of modern agricultural science. However, problems such as environmental destruction and endangered food safety have also emerged.
● The urgent necessity of environmental conservation and safe food supply is now recognized in the world.
Therefore, this program is offered for the study of food and environment in the broader field of agricultural sciences.

Who can enroll in this program?

This is an open program in which all interested undergraduate students of Tokyo NODAI can enroll, taking into account all dedicated courses.

How much does it cost us?

For Tokyo NODAI regular students and visiting (exchange) undergraduate students from global partner universities, no additional payment is required for enrolling in most of the courses offered in this program.
However, for some courses involving field trips and experiments, students are required to cover their own expenses.

Credit system and Examination

● Courses consist of a series of weekly lectures, except for some experiment and field trip courses; Each course carrying two credits.
● Credits earned in this program, up to a maximum of 30 credits, can be counted as part of graduation requirements under the inter-faculty enrollment system, or be transferable to Home Institution for visiting (exchange) undergraduate students.
Examinations are conducted during the lecture period. No supplementary examination will be provided.
● Visiting (exchange) undergraduate students can register for their desired subjects and obtain credits.
● Visiting (exchange) graduate students could participate in the above courses as auditors with the permission of professors of each subject; however, they cannot obtain credits.

First Semester [ Starting from April to Beginning of August ]

Courses Campus
Food and Health1 Setagaya
Environment and Agriculture Setagaya
Forest and Forestry Setagaya
Plants for Landscape Architecture (Life history and Applications of Landscape Plants) Setagaya
Planning and Design of Landscape Architecture Setagaya
Global Food Systems Setagaya
Japanese Agricultural Development Setagaya
Agricultural Trade Setagaya
Introduction to Japanese Linguistics (Edo Aesthetics and Environmental Resiliency) Setagaya
Agriculture and Economic Development (Food and Environment in Economic Development) Setagaya
Vegetable Production Technologies for International Cooperation Setagaya
Introduction to Bioindustry Hokkaido Okhotsk

Second Semester [ Starting from September to January ]


Courses Campus
Farmers and Consumers in Japan Setagaya

(Intensive)1week in September



外国人研究生 International Research Students

●制度について Overview


Application for admission as an International Research Students is only open to those who plan to apply for a master’s or doctoral program of Tokyo NODAI after the research student period.

●申請の流れ Application Procedures


Please find a laboratory and research topic of your interest from our website and contact a prospective supervisor whose e-mail address can be found on the following page.


Upon consulting with a prospective supervisor, please receive a soft-copy (e.g. PDF) of your recommendation letter and complete your application documents.

●募集要項・申請書類 Application Guidelines/Application Forms (※2024年6月3日に「募集要項(日本語)」「Application Guidelines (English)」「願書/研究計画書/誓約書 Application Form / Research Plan / Pledge」「出願書類確認票 Check list」の最新版を掲載しました。)


●第一種/第二種/第三種/学びて後足らざるを知る奨学金(日本人および外国人留学生の大学院生対象) Category 1 scholarship/ Category 2 scholarship/ Category 3 scholarship/”Find Ignorance After Learning” Scholarship (For Doctoral Program Students)

Grant Type Scholarship Opportunities at NODAI

●外国人留学生奨学金(私費外国人留学生対象) Scholarship for International Private-Expense Students

区分 Category 支援内容
Details of Scholarship対象者 Target申請方法 How to apply





Exemption of tuition fees


Reduction 495,000JPY/year from tuition fees

International Private-Expanse Students who have difficulties in continuing to studying due to economic reasons after admission
Screening based on your application documents(Every academic year)





Scholarship Provision
Provision 330,000 JPY/year (30,000JPY×11months)
International Private-Expanse Students who have difficulties in continuing to studying due to economic reasons after admission
Screening based on your application documents(Every academic year)

MEXT scholarship

※日本語で掲載されています。英語やその他言語で閲覧したい場合は、Google Chromeの翻訳機能をご活用ください。

Concerning the Information on the MEXT Scholarship (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan) by Japanese Embassy Recommendation or Universities Recommendation, please see the following website and download application documents.
This information is written in Japanese. If you would like to read in English or other languages, please use the Google Chrome Translation system.

文部科学省ホームページ MEXT

●大使館推薦 The MEXT Scholarship (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan) by Japanese Embassy Recommendation



Recruitment starts in April or May every year at each Japanese embassy abroad. The deadline for submitting application documents depends on an embassy, so be sure to check the website of the embassy. Please contact us to request acceptance for our university. At that time, please inform the name of your prospective supervisor and the major you desire to study.

●大学推薦 The MEXT Scholarship (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan) by the Tokyo University of Agriculture Recommendation



Through this program, we only accept students to apply for the doctoral program. If you would like to apply for this program, please refer to the MEXT website to prepare application documents.As soon as you have prepared the application documents, please submit the data to your prospective supervisor. You need to be approved to apply for the program by the prospective supervisor before submitting application documents.

Please see the following URL for the contact information of the prospective supervisor.

Contact Supervisor

Tokyo University of Agriculture has more than 45 partner universities worldwide and accepts overseas students based on terms of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with their Home Institutions.

●問い合わせ先 Contact                                                                                                                                               
 グローバル連携センター Center for Global

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