Tokyo University Of Agriculture


Life history and Applications of Landscape Plants

It is aimed at the plant planting (vegetation) and the plant in the Landscape Architecture field in this lesson.A plant (vegetable) group divides the contents of a lesson roughly into three.

One explains the flowers and flower bed in urban area or some urban parks. Two explain use of the ground cover plant and Turfgrass in urban space. Three explain the ecology of the native plant which carries out vegetation mainly to a natural area.

At the last of a lesson, we summarize these contents.

By that, We think that you can understand the life history of the landscape plants and native plant in urban area or the natural area near a Tokyo metropolitan.

theme contents etc.
1 Guidance The Contents of Lesson, and Viewpoint The Purpose, Viewpoint, and Syllabus Planning Outline of Lesson
2 Flower in Landscape Field, and Use Lecture Lecture by Data and PPT files
3 Growth Environmental Factor of Flower Field Study (Lecture in Outdoors) Observation of a flower
4 Function of Flower Field Study (Lecture in Outdoors) Observation of a planting situation
5 Life History of Flower in Urban Environment Field Study (Lecture in Outdoors) Grasp of the function of a flower
6 Use of Turfgrass and ground cover plant in Landscape Field Lecture Lecture by Data and PPT files
7 Growth Environmental Factor of ground cover plant and Turfgrass Field Study (Lecture in Outdoors) Observation of groundcover plant and turfgrass
8 Function Expected from Grass or ground cover plant and Turfgrass Field Study (Lecture in Outdoors) Observation of a planting situation
9 Planting Plan and Management of groundcoverplant and Turfgrass Field Study (Lecture in Outdoors) Grasp of the function of ground cover plant and turfgrass
10 Vegetation and native plant around Urban area Lecture Lecture by Data and PPT files
11 Kind of Plant Which Constitutes Vegetation Field Study (Lecture in Outdoors) Observation of wild plant
12 Growth Distribution of Native Plant Field Study (Lecture in Outdoors) Observation of a vegetating situation
13 Protection and Preservation of Wild Plant in Circumference of Urban area Field Study (Lecture in Outdoors) Grasp of the function of wild plant
14 Discussion Collects Lecture
15 Discussion Collects Lecture

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