東京農業大学大学院 Graduate School of Tokyo Univ of Agriculture






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1. 必ず募集要項をよく読み、事前に出願資格を確認してください。出願資格を満たしていない場合は受験できません。
2. 出願期間内にインターネットで出願登録を行います。登録後、入学検定料を支払い、出願書類を郵送で提出し、大学側で受理されることにより出願が完了します(同時に「手続き完了」メールが送信されます)。
3. 出願期間内にすべての手続きを完了しないと出願は無効となりますので、必ず余裕を持って手続きをしてください。また、入学検定料の支払い及び出願書類の郵送は速やかに行ってください。
4. 入学検定料に加えて事務手数料がかかります(志願者負担)。 
5. 出願書類に不備がある場合は、受理できないことがあります。
6. Web出願サイト利用中の操作ミスや接続不良等を理由とした出願期間後の申し込みは受け付けません。


・ 志願情報確定ボタンを押した後は、志願情報の変更はできません。
・ 氏名や住所などの個人情報を入力する際に、JIS第1水準・第2水準以外の漢字は登録エラーになる場合があります。その場合は、代替の文字を入力してください。[ 例:髙木→高木 山﨑 →山崎 (ローマ数字)Ⅲ→(アルファベットのアイ)III ]
・ 写真が不鮮明な場合は、再提出をお願いすることがあります。
・ 出願書類及び封筒貼付用宛名シートは、入学検定料支払い完了後にダウンロード可能となります。ただし、入学検定料をコンビニで支払った場合は、ダウンロードできるようになるまで時間がかかることがあります。
・ 一度受理した出願書類および入学検定料は、原則として返却・返還しません。
・ 「決済完了」メールは、出願手続きが完了するまで大切に保管してください。
・ 「手続き完了」メールが試験当日の5日前までに届かず、受験票をダウンロードできない場合は、各研究科担当部署までお問い合わせください。
・ 自然災害・事故等の不測の事態により、入試日程の変更等の緊急措置をとる場合があります。入試をはじめ本大学院の情報は、本大学院Webサイト(http://gs.nodai.ac.jp)でお知らせいたしますので、必ずご確認ください。
・ この留意事項は予告無く変更することがあります。

Notes on Application Procedure

Please read the following terms and conditions carefully, and only after understanding and agreeing to each item, apply for admission. If you do not consent to any of the following, then you may not apply.

1. Be sure to read the application guidelines carefully, and please verify your eligibility for application in advance. If you do not meet the application criteria, you will not be able to take the examination.
2. Application and registration need to be completed online during the application period. After registration, pay the fee for the entrance examination and submit the application documents by mail. The application process is complete when all specified requirements are received and accepted by the university (at which time a "process completed" e-mail will be sent).
3. As the application will be rendered invalid unless all procedures are completed during the application period, please be sure to allow sufficient time to complete all parts. Please be sure to pay the entrance examination fee and mail the application documents as promptly as possible.
4. In addition to the entrance examination fee, an administration fee will be required (paid for by the applicant).
5. If the application documents are incomplete, then the applicant may not be accepted.
6. Late applications that are due to mistakes made or a poor connection, among other reasons, while using the application website will not be accepted.

Other Important Precautions

・After clicking the button to confirm your application information, you will not be able to make changes to your application information.
・When entering personal information, such as your name or address, there are instances where the use of characters not in JIS level 1 or level 2 kanji will result in a registration error. In such an event, please use alternative characters [e.g., 髙木→高木, 山﨑 →山崎; (for Roman numerals) Ⅲ→III (alphabet letter "I")]
・If the picture you upload is blurry or unclear, you may be asked to resubmit.
・Application documents and the address information to be affixed to the envelope will be available for download once the entrance examination fee is paid. However, if the fee is paid at a convenience store, it may take time before the download becomes available.
・As a general rule, once the application documents and entrance examination fee are accepted, neither will be returned nor refunded.
When you receive the "transaction completed" e-mail, please make sure to keep it until the application procedure has been completed.
・If a "process completed" e-mail has not arrived by five days prior to testing or you cannot download the examination admission card, please contact the department in charge for the graduate course to which you have applied.
・Emergency measures, such as a change to the schedule for the entrance examination, may be taken as a result of unforeseen circumstances, including natural disasters and unexpected incidents. Please be sure to check for information on the graduate school website (http://gs.nodai.ac.jp), including information on the entrance examination.
・These items may be subject to change without prior notice.
