
Guidelines for Applicants

  • Guidelines for Applicants

The Re-inventing Japan Project aims to arrange more short term overseas exchange programs than ever before with four Latin American partner universities (Universidad Autónoma Chapingo, Universidade Federal Rural da Amazônia, Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina, Universidade de São Paulo), while also incorporating agricultural internships, in order to develop leaders with practical knowledge in the fields of food and agriculture and sustainable food production in the Latin American region.
Through these short-term overseas exchange programs, we hope to develop leaders with understanding of each others’ culture. Exchange students from Japan undergo intensive language training in either Spanish or Portuguese on-site at partner schools, while exchange students from Latin America undergo intensive Japanese language training at NODAI.
We look forward to students that participate in these programs gaining the motivation to take on global food production issues, aspiring to then advance to graduate programs to build expertise, and then becoming successful employees of global agriculture related organizations or food, agriculture, environmental, health, and energy companies in Latin America.

Regarding Scholarships

Students participating in these programs are eligible to apply for scholarships from the Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO) through the Study Abroad Support System. Please see the Japan Student Services Organization website for more details.