International Students Summit ( ISS )

International Students Summit


Over the past century humankind has witnessed drastic and unprecedented events, such as two devastating world wars and subsequent economic recoveries, population explosion, a surge of technological innovations, environmental degradation, rapid development of information technology, and ever-accelerating globalization. While some of these factors have made significant contributions to the well-being of humankind, many have negatively impacted people's lives. Nevertheless, we have made steady progress, and today there are more than six billion people on earth. For further development, however, voices of warning are being heard in many different quarters of society. At the turn of the 21st century we see it as tremendously important to draw together the wisdom and vitality of youth, the torch bearers of our future, to usher in a century of prosperity and peace built upon analytical reflection of human deeds in the past.

Agricultural Science plays a key role in the solution of fundamental problems in food production and safety, environmental conservation, energy, and human health. The system of food production and consumption is closely related to the condition of the natural environment, the stage of economic development, and food culture in each country, and their patterns and problems reflect regional characteristics. While implementation of collaborative approach is also vital, Tokyo University of Agriculture (TUA) has decided to nurture students who can contribute to the solution of global issues in areas of food, agriculture and environment.
