Tokyo University Of Agriculture


Training experts who will make full use of information strategies to flourish in international markets

The admission ceremony of this department was held on April 2, 2021.


 The admission ceremony of this department was held on April 2, 2021. in a slightly different way form the usual due to the new coronavirus effect.

 The Department of Agribusiness Management welcomed 154 new students.

 We hope that you will enjoy your university life and grow as a person.



To all exam candidate

  We conducted a questionnaire survey to our freshmen and the male-female ratio was about 7: 3. Besides, more than half of the freshmen are from Tokyo metropolitan area.

 Our University of Agriculture offers a variety of entrance examination systems, yet two-thirds of the freshmen participated in the general entrance exams A and B are taking the liberal arts courses in "English, Japanese, and Social Studies."

 The Department of Agribusiness Management is based on business administration as a field of social science in agriculture and these liberal arts subjects also lead to the study after enrollment.

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