Tokyo University Of Agriculture


Taking on the challenge of international society through food, the environment, and business!

Faculty of International Agriculture and Food Studies

Challenging the international society over issues concerning food, the environment, and business!

Issues concerning food (F), the environment (E), energy (E), economic growth (E), and population (P) have been recognized as common issues among humans around the world. Now, in the 21st century, these issues are still the most crucial problems in need of urgent solutions through international collaborative efforts that incorporate a global vision.

This faculty tackles these FEEEP issues head on. Our main focus is on training persons that can lead the various operational activities in related fields such as policy development and administration, planning and implementation, autonomy and entrepreneurship, research and education, etc.

With a common philosophy and objectives, this faculty is organized into three departments: (1) the “Department of International Agricultural Development” that uses advanced technology extensively, conducts research, and provides education on tropical agriculture for international cooperation in food and agricultural development in the developing nations mainly located in the tropical zone, as well as educates on the development and conservation of tropical biological resources; (2) the “Department of Food Environment Economics” that covers theories and technologies for the utilization and evaluation of resources and the environment to create an environment conservation-oriented global food agricultural economic system and construct a resource recycling-oriented society, as well as works on construction of a social economic theory and policy for the development of co-existence oriented agriculture and a rural area community, utilizing the regional uniqueness found in Japan and around the world; (3) the “Department of International Biobusiness” that trains internationally-minded persons to tackle entrepreneurship and the management of internationally-oriented “Biobusinesses,” using extensive IT skills. The “Biobusinesses” are recognized as a new industry that consists of food production, distribution, and processing businesses and related industries.

General Education

Laboratory of Comparative Languages and Cultures

KOBAYASHI Ryoichiro Associate Professor
TOKUNAGA Kazuhiro Assistant Professor

Laboratory of Health Science

SONE Ryota, Assistant Professor

Laboratory of Computer Literacy Education and Information Processing Application

FUKUOKA Hideya, Assistant Professor

Attached to the Faculty

International Agriculture and Food Research Institute

Director TAKAYANAGI Nagatada Professor

Miyako Sub-Tropical Farm

Director SUGIHARA Tamae, Professor
Deputy Director KIKUNO Hidehiko, Professor

Course Navigator


Teacher-training Course

This is a course for obtaining a regular teaching certificate for junior high schools and high schools based on Japan’s Education Personnel Certification Act.

Teacher-training Course

Students who take this course are awarded a teaching certificate at the time of graduation by earning specified credits while taking specialized education in their department. This course creates a heavier workload compared to other students, as it entails taking more classes, with many lectures in the evening and many practice sessions off campus, but this could lead to a student life that much richer.

Many students who have completed this course are playing active roles as teachers in junior high schools and high schools as well as other educational institutions around the country. In the academic year 2016, 130 people obtained 291 teaching certificates (including specialized certificates for those who completed a graduate program). While passing the teacher employment examination is a difficult hurdle, every year about 150 NODAI alumnae (including former graduates) become teachers.

Scientific Information Course

The objective of this course is to train natural sciences librarians and curators by having students learn the foundation of being a technical expert

Scientific Information Course

The objective of this course is to train natural sciences librarians and curators by having students learn the foundation of being a technical expert (including information usage education using computers), which includes surveying, accumulating, organizing, storing, searching, and providing (including displaying) information related to science and technology in public institutions such as museums, science museums, children’s facilities, and public libraries, as well as corporate information departments and R&D departments.

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