Tokyo University Of Agriculture


Tokyo University of Agriculture – Advancing


Graduate School Partnership

Graduate School of Agriculture, Applied Bioscience and Bioindustry adopted the educational research method by "Graduate School Partnership" as part of its curriculum. This method is designed to correspond to the development of interdisciplinary study area, which enables universities to expand and diversify research areas through working with laboratories of independent corporations, and facilities and human resources of private research institutes provided with high level of research.

The objectives are to vitalize the education in Graduate School with mottos as follows:

  1. expansion and interdisciplination of educational research.
  2. promotion of exchange with researchers in partner universities institutes and formation of collaborative research basis.
  3. Graduate School open to the public.

Specifically, researchers of partner universities are invited as guest professors and guest associate professors to provide assistance in the research and education of Graduate School students, who are able to receive scientific instructions at the partner universities in exchange. The administrative, private and academic entities cooperate in research fields across the border of Graduate School, as an attempt to address highly specialized academic domains and interdisciplinary research projects, as demand increases for new research and innovation areas in the rapid development of science and technology.

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