What is "Practical Science" at the time of foundation of Tokyo University of Agriculture?
- "Practical Science" is the school motto advocated by the first President YOKOI Tokiyoshi.
- Its original fundamental principle lies in the rational spirit in which problems are totally grasped and analyzed considering diversified conditions and eventually solved through pursuing theories and means.
- "Practical Science" is multi-disciplinary science and the fundamental principle is "Return man to the farm".
- Agriculture science is wisdom of agriculture.
- The inductive approach is symbolized by the words, "Ask rice plant about rice plant, ask farmers about agriculture".
- Introduction of rural idea to city and creation of cultural and creative agricultural village is aimed.
- The views of self-sufficiency in food production and maintaining sustainable land are emphasized.
Mulit-disciplinary Science for Agriculture
YOKOI Tokiyoshi the first president
- President YOKOI did not use textbooks in his ethics class. Instead, he answered questions from students referring to a vast range of topics.
Tokyo NODAI continues to challenge the new "Practical Science" for sustainable development of mankind and the earth!!
- The 2 graduate schools, 6 faculties, 23 departments aim at multi-disciplinary science to realize sustainable development of mankind and the earth.
- Their challenging domain consists of four fields: Food, Environment, Health, and Natural Resources and Energy.
- Taking over the fundamental principle, we challenge the cutting edge in scientific fields, such as high technology, microbes and mystery of animate life by the new "Practical Science". The spirit of current Tokyo NODAI can be paraphrased as "Return man to the earth".
- Creation of well-balanced sustainable society based on the symbiosis of nature, environment and region.
- Fostering all-round individuals is aimed through integration of inductive approach (emphasis on experiment) and deductive approach (emphasis on creativity - using one's own brain).