Welcome party for visiting students
In the evening of Thursday, April 19th, a welcome party was held for six new visiting students from four countries (Brazil, France, Mexico, and Taiwan) who will be studying at Tokyo NODAI for one semester. The party was attended by hosting professors, staff members of Center for International Programs (CIP), and Tokyo NODAI students who will study in the home countries of visiting students starting this August. The party began with warm and encouraging opening words by Dr. Yoichi Sakata, Director of CIP, followed by students and professors having casual and lively interactions over dinner.
Three visiting students from Latin America came to Japan under the scope of Re-inventing Japan Project (RJP), which is a project initiated by the Ministry of Education, Culture Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) with the aim to foster future global leaders who can serve as a bridge between Japan and Latin American countries. In order to actualize this project, we have been working closely with our partner Latin American universities: Universidade de São Paulo, Luiz de Queiroz College of Agriculture (Brazil), Universidade Federal Rural da Amazônia (Brazil), Universidad Autónoma Chapingo (Mexico), and Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina (Peru). Since the project launched in 2015, we have sent 47 Tokyo NODAI students to the aforementioned partner universities and we have received 48 partner university students.
To find out more information about RJP, please check out its website:
While the visiting students are here for only a semester, we hope they will have an enriching and fulfilling experience here at Tokyo NODAI!