Tokyo NODAI’s Response to Novel Coronavirus
【Important Notice】Regarding Start Date of Spring 2020 Semester
Since Japanese government has declared a state of emergency on April 7, 2020, Tokyo NODAI has decided to postpone the start date of the Spring 2020 semester as follows:
For In-coming Students
〇Start Date of New Semester (Start Date of Lectures)
On May 11 (Mon.), 2020 or later
The start date of the new semester may be postponed again based on the future situation of COVID-19. In that case, we will be starting the online lectures for undergraduate students. The updated date will be announced on our website on Friday, April 24.
〇Guidance Before Lectures Start
The guidance includes placement tests and other tests (depends on your department) will be held for 2 days before the start date of lectures. The updated dates will be announced on our website on Friday, April 24. (No change to our 6th Announcement)
〇Use of “Tokyo NODAI Student Portal Website”
For undergraduate students, to deliver your Student ID and guidance books to your address by April 19 (Sun.), we will start dispatching it from April 15 (Wed.). Upon receiving the student ID, you may access to Tokyo NODAI Student Portal Website. We will announce more detailed information about lectures on the website afterwards. How to use the website will be announced on Tokyo NODAI web-site on April 24 (Fri.).
〇Instructions to Prevent Further Spread of the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Please avoid nonessential outings until the start of the new semester. Especially for the period up to 2 weeks before the start of the new semester, please make sure you stay at home. You are advised to check your temperature daily and be extra careful with your actions to ensure the well-being of yourself and the people around you.
For Current Students
〇Start Date of New Semester (Start Date of Lectures)
On May 11 (Mon.), 2020 or later
The start date of the new semester may be postponed again based on the future situation of COVID-19. In that case, we will be starting the online lectures for undergraduate students. The updated date will be announced on our website on Friday, April 24.
〇Guidance Before Lectures Start
The guidance includes placement tests and other tests (depends on your department) will be held for 2 days before the start date of lectures. The updated dates will be announced on our website on Friday, April 24. (No change to our 6th Announcement) Undergraduate students will make course registration before the start of lectures. As for the detailed information on how to register your courses will be announced on Tokyo NODAI Student Portal Website, please check Student Portal Website regularly.
〇Instructions to Prevent Further Spread of the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Since Japanese government has declared a state of emergency on April 7, 2020, we prohibit students to enter all campuses from April 10, 2020 until the state of emergency will be released. All the laboratory activities and extracurricular activities are prohibited until the start of the new semester. Please avoid any other nonessential activities too and act from a sense of responsibility so that you cannot only secure your life but it can also prevent the further spread of COVID-19 in your community.
Please check our website regularly as we may announce further information than our original announcement plan mentioned above due to the ongoing COVID-19 situation. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience these measures cause you until the start of the new semester. We would like to kindly request your understanding and support.
April 10, 2020
Takano Katsumi,
President of Tokyo University of Agriculture