Regarding operational guidelines accompanying the issuance of a state of emergency
As you know, while the coronavirus infection is spreading, a "state of emergency" has been issued by the government from April 25 (Sun) to May 11 (Tue) targeting Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto, and Hyogo prefectures. On the other hand, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) has sent a notice on April 16 (Fri) requesting "Compatibility of thorough infection prevention and securing learning opportunities for students".
Considering this declaration of emergency does not require a university to close its campuses, and aiming to secure learning opportunities for students, Tokyo NODAI will not close any campuses and will thoroughly implement measures to prevent the spread of infection while we continue providing students with education and research opportunities.
As the stages of the operational guidelines during the “state of emergency” declaration are shown as follows, we would like to ask for your kind cooperation.
1. The "Operational Guidelines for Tokyo NODAI" during the “state of emergency” period are as shown in "Attachment 1".
2. All classes (excluding experiments, practical training, and comprehensive exercise) for undergraduate and graduate programs scheduled to be held face-to-face from April 26 (Mon) to April 28 (Wed), May 6 (Thu) and May 7 (Fri) in both Setagaya Campus and Atsugi Campus will be canceled. (The details will be announced separately.)
3. For Setagaya Campus, students must leave campus before 19:00 since it is in the target area of the "emergency declaration". The students, faculty members and staff are strongly encouraged to stay home after 20:00.
4. In principle, students, faculty members and staff of Setagaya Campus should refrain from nonessential outings and activities under the state of emergency. Especially during Golden Week, please refrain from travelling to other areas or returning to hometowns.
5. Atsugi Campus and Hokkaido-Okhotsk Campus are not covered by the "emergency declaration", but the students, faculty members and staff of both campuses should not only avoid travelling to the target area but also avoid nonessential outings and activities in general during the period.
* For further information, please check Student Portal or contact your department individually.
Eguchi Bunyo,
Tokyo University of Agriculture