【Important Notice】Regarding the start date of 2020 Academic Year first semester
April 24th, 2020
Tokyo NODAI’s Response to Novel Coronavirus (8th Announcement)
The start date of 2020 Academic Year first semester will be as follows:
For in-coming undergraduate students
Start date of the first semester (start date of lectures)
The first semester will start on May 11 (Mon.) through the online and the first lecture is to provide materials for home study (details will be mentioned below).
The start date of regular lectures will be determined based on the ongoing situation of COVID-19 and the university will announce the updated information on May 1 (Fri.).
Use of “Tokyo NODAI Student Portal Website”
The student ID and guidance books must have been delivered to your registered address. Please check and read through all the documents thoroughly. You can now access to Tokyo NODAI Student Portal Website with your student ID. The information on how to access it can be found in the “International Students’ Handbook”. Please make sure to understand how to use Student Portal Website and check it daily, since the university will provide the materials for home study and further corresponding through it.
Registering your and your guarantor’s current addresses
The university needs to know your and your guarantor's current addresses in case of emergency and providing information. Please register those addresses through Tokyo NODAI Student Portal Website. Further information on how to register will be announced on the Student Portal Website around the end of April.
Course Registration
You need to register courses to acquire credits through the Student Portal Website at home. The course registration period is from May 11 (Mon.)to May 15 (Fri.). Please refer to the instructions in “Course Registration” to register correctly. Your registered courses will be confirmed on May 20 (Wed.) and change, add and/or delete, of the registered courses can only be accepted from June 1 (Mon.) to June 5 (Fri.). Further information on the course registration will be announced on the Student Portal Website around the end of April.
For current undergraduate students
Start date of the first semester (start date of lectures)
The first semester will start on May 11 (Mon.) through the online and the first lecture is to provide materials for home study (details will be mentioned below). The start of the regular lectures is determined based on the ongoing situation of COVID-19 and the university will announce the updated information on May 1 (Fri.). Please make sure to check the Student Portal Website daily since the university will provide the materials for home study through it and further correspondence will be announced on it.
Course Registration
The course registration period is from May 11 (Mon.)to May 15 (Fri.). Please refer to the instructions shown in “Course Registration” to register correctly. Your registered courses will be confirmed on May 20 (Wed.) and change of the registered courses can only be accepted from June 1 (Mon.) to June 5 (Fri.). Further information on the course registration will be announced on the Student Portal Site.
For graduate students
Start date of the first semester (start date of lectures)
The first semester will start on May 11 (Mon.) through the online and the first lecture is to provide materials for home study or individual guidance by supervising professor”
The start date of the regular lectures is determined based on the ongoing situation of COVID-19 and the university will announce the updated information on May 1 (Fri.).
Course Registration
Details of the course registration will be announced on the Student Portal Website.
For All Students
Online lectures conducted with provided materials for home study
You will be provided the materials for home study through the Student Portal Website. Please watch them at home and submit reports as instructed. The study materials will be uploaded once a week from May 11 (Mon.) to the start of regular lectures. Please read “International Students’ Handbook”, “Course Registration” and syllabi on the Student Portal Website carefully and decide the courses to register. You can check the contents of the study materials before the registration on a smartphone, PC, or tablet computer, etc. If you are going to purchase a new device, please choose one with a camera. The instructions on how to check the contents of study materials, how to proceed with the study, the recommended PC environment for home study, and other information regarding online lectures will be announced on the Student Portal Website around the end of April. How to purchase textbooks on the syllabus will be included in our announcement on May 1 (Fri.) on our website.
Regarding to prevent further spread of COVID-19
Since the Japanese government has declared a state of emergency on April 7, 2020, the university prohibits students to enter all campuses until the state will be lifted. All the laboratory activities and extracurricular activities are prohibited until the start of the first semester. Please avoid any other nonessential activities and be conscious enough to take prudential behavior. So that you can not only secure your life but also save your community from further spread of COVID-19 in your community.
The university may make some changes to the above information based on the ongoing COVID-19 situation. Our next announcement is scheduled on May 1 (Fri.) on Tokyo NODAI website. Please check the website and Tokyo NODAI Student Portal Website daily, since we will make important announcements on both. For all the students, faculty members, staff, and those related to Tokyo NODAI, we shall overcome this difficult time together. We would like to kindly request your understanding and continuous support. For inquiries, please go to https://www.nodai.ac.jp/contact/.
April 24, 2020
Takano Katsumi,
President of Tokyo University of Agriculture