Campus Closure in Response to State of Emergency Declaration
April 9, 2020
Takano Katsumi
President of Tokyo University of Agriculture
In light of the rapid expansion of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Japanese Government declared a state of emergency based on the “Revised Act on Special Measures concerning Pandemic Influenza and New Infectious Diseases” on Tuesday, April 7, 2020. Tokyo NODAI has decided to close three campuses in Setagaya, Atsugi and Okhotsk-Hokkaido from April 10 to May 6, 2002 until the state of emergency is lifted. All the students, faculty members, staff and visitors are prohibited from entering campuses in general. The start of the new semester is postponed to May 11 or later.
During the period, the faculty members are continuing their research from home and the staff is working from home preparing for the new semester. In addition to the campus closure, we strongly advise all the students, faculty members and staff to avoid any nonessential outings. Trying to prevent further spread of COVID-19 is not only to protect our well-being and lives but also to fulfill our responsibility as a member of the community.
The state of emergency is a large-scale measure against infectious diseases we have never experienced before. It is planned to remain in force until May 6, 2020 but there may be an extension for the duration or the area.
As for Tokyo NODAI, we are taking these measures for the first time since the chaotic times after the war and we recognize that we are facing a global health crisis. No matter how this pandemic may turn out to be, Tokyo NODAI is committed to continue providing students with high-quality education and to continue researching to contribute to society. These emergency measures are taken to keep our tradition marking the 130th anniversary next year.
We apologize for any inconvenience we may cause you during the campus closure such as not being able to respond to your inquiries by phone. We kindly request for your understanding and support.