Tokyo University Of Agriculture


Michel OUYABE(Alumni PhD)

●Country of origin: Cote d'Ivoire
●Department:International Agricultural Development
●Degree/Grade(obtained for Alumni):Alumni PhD

Hello everyone. My name is Michel OUYABE from Cote d’Ivoire in West Africa. I came to Japan in April 2016 for my PhD studies. I joined the laboratory of Tropical Crops Science, department of International Agricultural Development in the faculty of International Agriculture and Food Studies on Setagaya campus as PhD student under MEXT scholarship. I studied the plant growth-promoting end ophytic bacteria of a tuber crop (yam).

I love music and my best instrument is bass guitar. I also love recording and editing videos as well as programming. I came to study in Nodai because of the leading position it holds in Agricultural studies in Japan, which has one of the world highest education system. My study goal, which was to graduate as a PhD holder with high skills in sustainable agriculture, has been achieved. The kindness of the Japanese students, even with limited English language skills to help me when needed, had been above my expectations. My career goal is to become a professor and specialist in plant-microbes (beneficial bacteria) interactions of the tropical crops in the next 10 years.


Armchair theory alone cannot achieve much, it must be supported by a first-hand experience in the field. In Tokyo University of Agriculture (Tokyo NODAI), we utilize advanced research capabilities in diverse agricultural fields and support "IKIRU: living" for the future.

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