Tokyo University Of Agriculture


Diving into bioproduction research – come see the great land in the north

Department of Bioproduction

Seeking Greater Depth and Sophistication in Approaches to Plant and Animal Resources Production.

This major is a comprehensive course in which issues related to the biological resource production including both plants and animals are considered and researched in depth. During the program, a variety of plant and animal related issues including crop management, preservation of forests and wetlands, development of plants resilient to environmental stress, genetic characteristics of animals, advanced applications for newly engineered livestock and breeding through biotechnology will be introduced.

Graduate School Advisory Faculty

Take a look at who you may be able to work with as part of the department.

ITOH Hirotake, Professor

Studies on the Cultivation technic based on the root system in field crops

Research Activity

OGURI Suguru, Professor

Study on the sugar chain-protein interactions in plants

Research Activity

KAMEYAMA Yuichi, Professor

Developmental engineering in mammalian sperm and egg

Research Activity

SOUMA Kosaku, Professor

A nutritional study of sika deer (cervus nippon yesoensis) under farming

Research Activity

NAKAMARU Yasuo, Professor

Biogeochemistry of agricultural soils for sustainable land management

Research Activity

HIRAYAMA Hiroki, Professor

Molecular biological study on improvement and increased production of livestock

Research Activity

YOSHIDA Hozumi, Professor

The development of the integrated crop production management technology on the cold latitudes area

Research Activity

WADA Kenta, Professor

Molecular genetic studies of the animals

Research Activity

NAKAMURA Takatoshi, Associate Professor

Ecophysiology of wetland plants

Research Activity

Course Navigator


Teacher-training Course

This is a course for obtaining a regular teaching certificate for junior high schools and high schools based on Japan’s Education Personnel Certification Act.

Teacher-training Course

Students who take this course are awarded a teaching certificate at the time of graduation by earning specified credits while taking specialized education in their department. This course creates a heavier workload compared to other students, as it entails taking more classes, with many lectures in the evening and many practice sessions off campus, but this could lead to a student life that much richer.

Many students who have completed this course are playing active roles as teachers in junior high schools and high schools as well as other educational institutions around the country. In the academic year 2016, 130 people obtained 291 teaching certificates (including specialized certificates for those who completed a graduate program). While passing the teacher employment examination is a difficult hurdle, every year about 150 NODAI alumnae (including former graduates) become teachers.

Scientific Information Course

The objective of this course is to train natural sciences librarians and curators by having students learn the foundation of being a technical expert

Scientific Information Course

The objective of this course is to train natural sciences librarians and curators by having students learn the foundation of being a technical expert (including information usage education using computers), which includes surveying, accumulating, organizing, storing, searching, and providing (including displaying) information related to science and technology in public institutions such as museums, science museums, children’s facilities, and public libraries, as well as corporate information departments and R&D departments.

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