



ISSAAS Tokyo 2015 second circular

Online Registration
The online registration is now OPEN! Kindly visit the ISSAAS website (https://k-convention.kijima-p.co.jp/nodai/issaas/).
Before you register, kindly take note of the following:

1. Registration process is based on your main role in the congress. Kindly choose from the following roles:
a. Presenter
An active member who wishes to present a scientific work for an oral or poster presentation;
An active member who wishes to present a scientific work for an oral or poster presentation,
but also a co-author for another scientific work to be presented by a colleague
b. Co-author only
An active member who has co-authored a scientific work for an oral or poster presentation
to be presented by a colleague
c. Participant only
An active member who will not be a Presenter or a Co-Author
d. Family member/ Accompanying person

2. Only the members with the role of Presenter or Participant have access to the online registration. Members with the role of Co-author only and Family member/ Accompanying person are requested to register with your respective Presenter or Participant.

3. For Presenters, kindly prepare the abstract in English, not exceeding 250 words. Abstract submission is via online registration only. Manuscript should include title of the paper, the name of the author(s) and respective affiliation(s), and the email address of the corresponding author. Also decide on the following sub-theme: (a) Plant Production and Environmental Agriculture, (b) Agricultural Chemistry, (c) Aquatic Science, (d) Forest and Forest Products Science, (e) Agro-Engineering, (f) Animal Life Science, (g) Agricultural Science in Society and Economy, and (h) Boundary Agriculture. Deadline for submission of abstracts is 15 September 2015.
To download the Second Announcement (pdf), kindly click the Japanese characters in blue color below.